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Empowering Communities Through Faith and Action


School and Village Evangelism Crusades

We travel to rural villages to preach the gospel of Christ to Students. At each location, students from 6 to 10 schools( 3000-5000 students) will congregate to come listen to the message. We then give them tracks, school supplies and feed them a meal.


Feminine Training

Teresa and several sisters will meet with the girls grades 6-8 to teach them about feminine hygiene, They are also each provided panties with reusable feminine pads.


Prison Ministry

Even though they were maximum, security prison, we were able to meet with the prisoners, sing and dance with them and also share the gospel with them, Many came to Christ.
Prison Ministry: Transforming Lives Behind Bars
Prison Ministry: Transforming Lives Behind Bars
Hospital Visits - Providing Encouragement and Hope to Patients Through Faith.


Hospital Visits

Visited patients at the hospital to encourage them and to tell them about Jesus. Also donated some medication to the hospitals


Mission House

We are currently building a house for missionaries to have a place to stay in Liwonde, Malawi. Join us on our next mission trip.
Hospital Visits - Providing Encouragement and Hope to Patients Through Faith.


Farm Ministry

Peacemaker Farm, Nehemiah Land, Graceland and Green House.


J77.7 Radio Ministry

Coming Soon. 


Empowering Lives Through Faith and Service

School and Village Evangelism

Bringing Hope and Education to Rural Communities
Humanitarian Programs, Evangelical Crusades (Open Air Crusades & Church Planting)

Dignity for School Village Girls

Empowering Young Women with Knowledge and Resources
Feminine Training & Products

Prison Ministry

Restoration and Redemption for Incarcerated Lives

Papa's Table

Restoration and Redemption for Incarcerated Lives

Jesus the Healer Clinic

Healing Through Compassionate Care
Hospital Program

Eyes Clinic

Vision Restoration for a Brighter Future

Water For Life

Providing Clean Water Solutions for Villages
Deep Well Projects

Peacemaker Farm and Animal Farm

PFostering Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihoods

Iron Sharpens Iron

Strengthening Ministries Through Empowerment Conferences
Ministers Empowerment Conferences

Sisters of Esther

Empowering Women for Leadership and Service

Women and Men Empowerment Program

Building Skills and Opportunities for Sustainable Livelihoods
Microbusiness Opportunities (e.g., Baking, Sewing, Soap Making, and Small Businesses)