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Join Us for a Life-Changing Short-Term Mission


Answer the Call, Transform Lives

Are you called to go on short term mission? There are lots of opportunity for you at AMFC. We go to Africa twice a year and our goal is to take men and women who are wiling to work with God in fulfilling the great commission with boldness. Each mission may involve two three countries. The golden rule for accountability, safety and logistic reason is that all missionary must arrive in the country of mission at the same time and upon completion of the mission, we must all leave the country at the same time with no one left behind.
2025 Short – Term Mission Trips To Malawi


This is your year of fulfilling God’s purpose in your life.


FEB 6 – FEB 19 
JUNE 18 – 1st of JULY 
JULY 1st – JULY 21, 2025


WHO CAN GO? We are a Christian organization

  • Youth Groups
  • School Groups
  • Friends and Family Groups
  • Small Groups (Minimum of 4)
  • Adult Groups
  • Medical and Dental Groups (Belize)
  • College Student Groups
  • Large Groups (20)
  • Family, Friends, Church Groups, Schools, etc.

All our Missions are missions of " GREAT JOY" according to Luke 10 V 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people"


Be a Beacon of Hope, Join Our Mission

The harvest is plenty and the word of God says the laborers are few (Matthew 9:35-38). The laborers the Word of God is referring to is you and me stepping out and telling others about our Jesus and his saving power. AMFC needs missionaries in different capacities. We need children of God who will commit to traveling with the ministry at least once a year to the mission field or once in two years. When not on the missions field we need missionaries and volunteers to help out at the office and be a spokes person for the ministry.

A good leader reproduces him or herself. Evangelist McElroy and Reverend Russell would like to mentor and train saints who would like to be Evangelist and prison chaplains. To do this, you must prioritize and put the kingdom first then submit to the call of God in your life. If you are that man or woman, get ready to experience God by coming along with us on the mission field. We are in need of volunteers to dedicate time in the areas of book keeping, media and computer personnel who can help us with our newsletters also media work.


Empowering You with Knowledge for Your Mission Journey

The answer is yes, some parts of Africa are safe. Our motto is taken from the book of Isaiah 6:8, “Here I am; send me.” We believe that all the volunteers have prayerfully considered coming on the trip and that God is actually sending you. The God that called you on the trip to Africa has promised protection for you according to Psalm 91. We will be traveling by air and taken around by buses provided by our hosts in Africa. Security will be provided when and if needed. We would be staying in secured locations. Wild animals do not roam on African streets, and people are very friendly and appreciative of your love. I am excited that you have chosen to experience God by trusting Him.
African Missions for Christ is not limited to one area of Africa; we go to any part of Africa we are invited to come and minister and also render humanitarian services. We would also go to other nations where our services are needed. Brothers and sisters, it really does not matter the part of Africa or country God sends you to; you will be blessed.
The health care team takes care of the natives’ health issues. Nurses will be involved in triage, while doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants consult, diagnose, and treat. Health education will be taught. The non-medical team will be involved in vacation Bible school for children, also teaching arts and crafts. House-to-house visitation will be done if permissible. The non-medical team can also be involved in painting, carpentry, and playing with children. The visitation team and the medical team will invite people to the evening crusade. Remember, evangelism is a continuous process. After the day’s work, the mission presents the Gospel of Jesus to people in the evening. Africans love to sing and dance, so be prepared to dance and learn new songs in the African dialect. You are in for divine visitations; don’t miss it. We do go to African prisons and jails to minister to the shut-in and lonely.
Every trip is planned for 12 days, but for unforeseen changes to God’s plan, we ask that you request 2 weeks off work. Each trip takes approximately 16 hours, which cuts our active mission days to 8 because we rest and do some sightseeing on the day before we leave the host country. God rested on the seventh day as well. Sightseeing in Africa is an adventure; you will not regret it. Are you packed yet?
The answer to this question is a capital NO. You do not have to be a medical personnel to travel with AMFC; just be available to be used by Christ. There is a divine assignment awaiting you on the trip. To organizations that are contemplating inviting AMFC, we would mobilize volunteers to work on different projects not related to medical. The disciples were of different trades, yet they all followed Jesus. Your talent is needed; consider using it for Christ on a mission trip to Africa with AMFC. God needs your availability and not your skills.
Good question. Remember that you are prayed up, and there will always be at least one medical personnel on the trip with you at all times. We carry emergency medication. Should immediate and urgent care or hospitalization be needed, AMFC will ensure that you are treated in a top-of-the-line hospital in the African country. Our prayer is that God will always go before us and that we would not be fallen soldiers in a foreign country. Take the malaria pills as prescribed; make sure you are immunized as recommended by the CDC. Please visit the CDC website or your local health department to inquire about the immunizations needed for each country.
Most African countries speak English as their first or second language. Some countries speak French, and a few other countries in Africa speak Portuguese. For the countries that do not speak English, our hosts will provide translators. We all speak one common language, which is love.
You may want to pack light. The following are the essentials you will need to bring: your compass, which is your Bible, reading materials, a journal, a camera, sandals, mosquito repellent like Off, T-shirts, a few dresses or pants, three light nice outfits to wear to church programs, sunglasses, sunscreen, tennis shoes, personal toiletries, and some cash for your personal use. Hosts will help you change money to the appropriate African currency. Bring a lot of positive spirit, enthusiasm, energy, and love.

Yes, you will need immunizations before you can go to most African countries. AMFC will find out the specific immunization requirements for each African country, but it is your responsibility to ensure you are immunized. Please check with your local public health office. You are covered with the blood of the Lamb.

The answer is yes, yes, yes. A valid passport, with a blank page to stamp the visa, is mandatory. The passport must not expire within 6 months. Most African countries require a visa prior to entering the country. Please check each country’s visa requirements. The earth belongs to the Lord and everything therein (Psalm 24).