This is your year of fulfilling God’s purpose in your life.
WHO CAN GO? We are a Christian organization |
The harvest is plenty and the word of God says the laborers are few (Matthew 9:35-38). The laborers the Word of God is referring to is you and me stepping out and telling others about our Jesus and his saving power. AMFC needs missionaries in different capacities. We need children of God who will commit to traveling with the ministry at least once a year to the mission field or once in two years. When not on the missions field we need missionaries and volunteers to help out at the office and be a spokes person for the ministry.
A good leader reproduces him or herself. Evangelist McElroy and Reverend Russell would like to mentor and train saints who would like to be Evangelist and prison chaplains. To do this, you must prioritize and put the kingdom first then submit to the call of God in your life. If you are that man or woman, get ready to experience God by coming along with us on the mission field. We are in need of volunteers to dedicate time in the areas of book keeping, media and computer personnel who can help us with our newsletters also media work.
Yes, you will need immunizations before you can go to most African countries. AMFC will find out the specific immunization requirements for each African country, but it is your responsibility to ensure you are immunized. Please check with your local public health office. You are covered with the blood of the Lamb.
The answer is yes, yes, yes. A valid passport, with a blank page to stamp the visa, is mandatory. The passport must not expire within 6 months. Most African countries require a visa prior to entering the country. Please check each country’s visa requirements. The earth belongs to the Lord and everything therein (Psalm 24).